Misa Amane - Death Note
yaaaay movies ^_^
hnnng it's been a while since i;ve wrote in here. nthing super eventful has happened in my life so nothing interesting to note on! i just wanted to write about some of the movies i have picked for october... i wanna watch some shitty horror b-movies as i think it'd be fun... going to watch elivra: mistress of the dark tonight.. she's very pretty.
keep having burnout... i haven't been able to find time in my days to update this site and work... i want to finish my book and dreams diary as i think those are most important, i'm more interested in archiving my dreams for later and when i might need them and such... honestly i should keep writing here as its good to archive my thoughts too. i made this page to ramble and dump my thoughts and feelings rather than just leave them in my little brain to later get forgotten haha. i'm aware i'll look back on this maybe tommorrow or in a month and say that i was corny haha, that's true but i don't really care right now that's for future me to deal with haha ^_^
finally finished this page after having a massive html burnout lulzzzz..... i'm unsure of how much i'll write in here but yeah :-3